Brev Sullivan

Rock of Ages, Featured on Fridays
Floyd Rose Original, Floyd Rose Custom Shoppe, ISOT-2, DSOTV

 Brev Sullivan is a Miami based guitarist proficient in multiple genres. He is the guitarist for Featured On Fridays (FOF), a shred-metal, progressive group whose songs are a tour de force of wildly searing instrumentals - combining metal, shred, jazz, country chicken pickin' and even epic movie soundtrack style melodies. 

Brev studied with jazz legend Joe Diorio of California's GIT; his first big debut was when his father, jazz legend Ira Sullivan, invited him up onstage him to perform with him and Joe Diorio at the Pennsylvania Jazz festival. There he traded licks with his instructor Joe Diorio onstage in front of 5000 attendees at age 17.

Brev currently tours with the group Featured on Fridays, and Lazy Bonez an 80's arena rock tribute band on the Royal Caribbean rock cruise circuit. Between traveling, he is an instructor School of Rock. He also conducts Rock Star Camps and clinics for kids and adults along with his group FOF. Brev is also on the faculty for the Summer Young Musicians Camp at the Prestigious University of Miami.